What is Sketch Strolling?
Sketch Strolling is the distillation of my passions: sketching, collage, naturalist field notes, documentation, writing.
It's anthropological, entirely personal, guaranteed to be different for everyone. It's completely about the process, not the product. It tells as much about the artist as it does about the subjects. It creates an environment that invites you to be present, and get quiet. Think of it as a mindful meditation on what interests you.
Ultimately it will shape your memories. Ten years from now, I guarantee when you look back at your pages, you won't see the mistakes, the paint streaks, or the wonky perspective.
What you will see is what you now remember of that day.
It’s also a powerful tool for travel, as it creates a framework for slowing down, taking things in, and an excuse for simply looking. It adds context that goes beyond the momentary snap of a tourist photo. Have you ever watched people looking at a famous tourist site? They all click the exact same angle, usually with themselves squarely in front of the object of fame, and then they hustle off to the next box ticking moment. I call this the ‘if it's Tuesday, this must be Belgium’ mindset.
Sketch Strolling is the antithesis of box ticking.
Your journal pages will look totally different from mine, and that's a great thing! I tend to like the shapes of buildings, plants and flowers, tiny details like the shape of bricks, the typography of house numbers, overheard conversations, and the weather. It comes from a desire to make notes of the places I'm seeing, and what interests me when I'm there. Your journal becomes your safe space - a vessel for your collection of images and perceptions.
Do you keep a journal when you’re traveling?
Tell me more in the comments!